Friday, June 27, 2014

How To Get Better At Handstands (Even If You've Never Done One Before)

How To Get Better At Handstands (Even If You've Never Done One Before)

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a celebrity fitness and nutrition expert for nearly three decades, myth
busting has become a major part of my job. You know, the myths nearly
everyone considers nutrition gospel, even if they’ve Read
only are handstands an incredibly effective way to build shoulder and
upper-body strength, they're great for core strength, increasing your
balance, and they may even help with circulation and bone health. Plus,
they’re just plain fun!

Once you get over that initial fear of being upside down, you’ll learn to love handstands just like I did — and start doing them every day.

The best part: handstands can be tailored to all fitness levels,
whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been working out diligently
for years. And they're a perfect companion to HIIT workouts as well.

Here’s how to get better at handstands, even if you've never done one before:

If you're just starting out, handstand with your feet on an elevated surface.

1. Find an elevated surface that’s about waist high, such as a plyometric box, a table or a high bench.

Place your feet on the surface with your legs straight, then walk your
hands towards your legs so that you’re bent in a 90 degree angle.

3. Push up through your shoulders, keep your core tight and hold. Work up to holding this for 30 to 60 seconds.

only will holding this modified handstand help you build up strength in
your shoulders, it will also help ease you into the idea of being
upside down!

Next up: handstand facing away from the wall.

1. Face toward the wall, place your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart, and kick up into a handstand. Try not to slam your feet/back/butt onto the wall, and practice control.

Work up to holding a wall handstand for 60 seconds. Don't be
discouraged if you can only hold it for five to 10 seconds at first —
you'll get there with practice!

Note: If kicking up to the wall is scary for you at first, try skipping this one and moving onto the next step.

A bit more difficult: handstand facing the wall.

1. Face away from the wall with your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart.

2. Slowly walk your feet up the wall until you’re vertical.

3. Then, walk your hands close to the wall, push up through your shoulders, and keep your core tight.

Practice letting your feet come off of the wall so that you’re
balancing without the help of the wall, even if you can only hold it for
a second or two at first.

5. Get out of the handstand by walking your feet down the wall and then towards your hands, or by cartwheeling down.

holding a chest-to-wall handstand for 10 to 30 seconds for three to
four sets. If this is too tough for you still, you can practice walking
up and down the wall until you start building up strength. This alone is
a great equipment-free exercise to help build shoulder and core strength!

Tip: place a pillow or an ab mat underneath your head to help decrease your fear of crashing.

The ultimate goal: the freestanding handstand.

1. Start with your hands on a floor in an area where there’s nothing around you to bump into.

Kick or tuck up with control and hold the handstand, making sure to
push through your shoulders, keep your core tight, and point your toes
as you do so.

3. Lower yourself down with control (falling is perfectly acceptable at first).

handstands regularly and you’ll not only gain strength and build
muscle, you’ll also boost your confidence — and have fun while you’re at
it! Good luck!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Amazing Power of Mindfulness

Hi , I want to talk to something that sounded unbelievable
when I first heard it...

...Did you know that our GENES can be altered by our
thoughts and our state of mind?

It sounded crazy when I first heard this but then I
thought about it...

On this planet people are born black, white, asian,
hispanic etc every day, but where did these races come
from? At one point we were all black right?

But our environment made us lighter skinned if we were
away from the sun, and our genes were altered and each
generation was born with genes that had been altered over

So altering genes is obviously possible, but I thought it
took years and generations for this to happen.

What I found amazing was that there is scientific evidence
that just spending EIGHT HOURS focusing your attention and
awareness on the present can lead to dramatic positive
changes to your genetic makeup.

So what does this mean for YOU??

It means that by learning how to focus your attention
through mindful meditation, you have the POWER to increase
your HEALTH and PROSPERITY, by directly affecting the
genes which control inflammation and allow for new growth
to take place.

Your genetic makeup is NOT set-in-stone, YOU have the
ability to shape it with your mind.


Ok now I'm going to let you know about the ground-breaking
study which has allowed us to finally see PHYSICAL
EVIDENCE of the amazing power of mindfulness.

Inherited from Buddhist tradition, the practice of
mindfulness is about focusing your attention and awareness
on the PRESENT.

Mindful meditation involves AWAKENING your MIND to
everything you are experiencing in a given moment, and
observing your thoughts and feelings from a distance,
without judging them as being good or bad.

Although the practice of meditation has long been known to
have positive health effects, a recent study by
researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and
the Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona
(published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology) has
given the first evidence of how mindful meditation can
LITERALLY alter gene expression.

In fact, these results were observed after just a SINGLE
8-hour period of intensive mindfulness practice in a group
of experienced meditators, compared to a group of
untrained control subjects who spent the same 8 hours
engaged in quiet non-meditative activities.

At the end of these eight hours, the meditators showed
some significant GENETIC and MOLECULAR differences,
including reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes and
altered levels of HDACs (enzymes which regulate DNA

There was no difference between the two groups of people
in these genes at the beginning of the study.

Not ONLY did the meditation group experience these
positive genetic changes, they also physically recovered
faster from a stressful situation they had to partake in
at the end of the study, involving giving an impromptu
speech and performing mentally challenging tasks in front
of an audience.    And this faster physical recovery time
was DIRECTLY associated with the changes in their genome.

As several other DNA-modifying genes showed no differences
between the meditation and non-meditation groups, this
study suggests that mindfulness practice SPECIFICALLY
affects the regulation of HDACs and inflammatory pathways.

This is interesting as these very genes are actually the
SAME genes which anti-inflammatory and pain-killing drugs
are currently targeting. Which means that mindful
meditation can be just as (if not more) effective as a
method for treating pain and inflammation.

Although this study did not show us any long-term genetic
effects of mindful meditation training, it did indicate to
us the impact that just a SINGLE DAY can have on your

Not only can our genes be altered by our external
environment, they can also be altered by our INTERNAL
environment, including our conscious and subconscious
thoughts, and calmness of mind.

I hope you enjoyed today's Manifestation Miracle

In case you haven't already, make sure you consider
joining the Manifestation Miracle system, the same one
where you'll learn how to create and manifest the life of
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