Thursday, August 21, 2014

10 Powerful Affirmations That Can Change Your Life

If you believe that you are what you feel, then life
truly stems from your thoughts and emotions. Affirmations or the process
of repeating positive words can boost your spirit to new levels. We
must translate our thoughts into words and eventually into intention in
order to manifest what we want in our reality.
Affirmations are proven methods of self-improvement because of their
ability to rewire our brains and have the power to change people’s
lives. Science also says that positive self-talk definitely brings about
changes in the brain. Here are 10 powerful affirmations that can change
your life.

1) I can achieve greatness

One of the most influential ones is to tell yourself on a daily basis
that you can achieve all the greatness in life. Focus on your vision and
dreams and then attach the emotion to that vision. By telling this to
yourself and believing that you can achieve greatness, it will
eventually turn into reality.

2) Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy

Joy starts from within not from outside of yourself. It also
starts as soon as you rise. So make it habit to repeat this to yourself
first thing in the morning.

3) I love and accept myself for who I am

Self love is meant to be the purest and the highest form of love. When
you love yourself, you automatically start appreciating and respecting
yourself. If you have confidence and pride in what you do, you will
begin to see yourself in a new light and be encouraged and inspired to
do bigger and better things.

4) My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil

A healthy body starts with a healthy mind and soul. If either suffers from negative emotions, the others will be affected. The number one cause of health or disease is you.
You can also remove and revoke all permission that you have given
consciously, subconsciously, to all the ills of the world because you
share that pain. You are conquering your illness and defeating it
steadily each day.

5) I believe I can do everything

You need to say this to yourself every day. Because this is something
that is so important for counseling yourself to stay encouraged. By
saying this, you are able to do anything and everything that you put
your mind to.

6) Everything that is happening now is happening for my ultimate good

There are no victims, no accidents and no coincidences EVER. They simply
do not exist in this reality as you and others will only attract what
you and they are a part of. So know from the bottom of your heart that
everything happens for a reason and in perfect synchronicity. You are at
peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen. Your
fears of tomorrow are simply melting away.

7) I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents

This is something that you should tell yourself when you wake up every
morning. Every new day offers a fresh start and also makes an impact on
others around you. You can make anything of that day that you like
because you are the architect of your own life. If you begin your day
with a positive thought and feeling it will transform your day into
something incredible. Works every time.

8) I forgive those who have harmed me in my past and peacefully detach from them

That doesn’t mean you forget what they did, but you are at peace with
what they did and the lessons served. Your strength to forgive is what
allows you to move forward and your reaction to any experience is
independent of what others think of you. You can forgive one thousand
people and even if none of them forgive you, there will always be a
sense of peace and freedom within you that they will never have until
they share that sentiment. Your power to forgive them also instantly
changes how they react to you.

9) My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite

Plain and simple, you have no limits but those you place on
yourself. What kind of life do you want? What is stopping you? What
barriers are you imposing on yourself? This affirmation will help you
address all of the boundaries.

10) Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones

Realize that any difficult time are only a short phase of life.
This too shall pass along with your old habits as you take in the new.
You are a fully adapting being with creative energy which surges through
you and leads you to new and brilliant ideas and the mindset that
allows that energy to flow.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

10 Best Air Filtering House Plants, According to NASA

Using space station technology to ensure the safety of your home may
be easier than you thought. The National Aeronautics and Space
Administration conducted the NASA Clean Air Study to demonstrate the
effectiveness of particular plants to purify air.

As homes become more insulated and efficient, they also make it easier
to trap indoor air pollutants. Chemicals like benzene, formaldehyde, and
ammonia can come from household items and pollute your home’s
atmosphere without any visual warning.

Neglecting the quality of the air you breathe on a daily basis could result in serious consequences. Illness, allergies, asthma and
frequent headaches are just a few of many inconveniences that come from
airborne particles floating around your home. Air pollution is also one
of the reasons the can affect your digestive system.

There’s no need to dish out hundreds of dollars on expensive
appliances when you’ve got Mother Nature. According to NASA there are
plenty of plants that soak up harmful particles in the air and release
fresh oxygen – all while adding a decorative touch.

Where does it all come from?

One of the scariest things about indoor air pollution is the seemingly
harmless nature of its many sources. Listed below are some of the most
common ways a home can become polluted.

• Glues and Adhesives

• Carpets (especially new carpets)

• Chemicals in household cleaners (instead of using poisonous household cleaners you can make your own natural household cleaners)

• Foam insulation materials

• Paint

• Pressed-wood products (plywood, particle board, and medium-density fiberboard)

If plants are good enough for the pioneers of space travel than they
must be doing something right. They also might spark a new found hobby
of gardening as well! The plants listed below are 10 of the most
effective air filters Mother Nature has to offer.

1. English Ivy (Hedera Helix)

The English Ivy is ideal for pots because its invasive nature allows
it to spread easily. Research found it to be particularly useful in
eliminating airborne fecal-matter particles. The plant is also great for
a family with smokers in it. It’s ability to soak up carcinogens from
second-hand smoke helps to purify small areas. It’s also versatile when
it comes to growing conditions and doesn’t require much maintenance.

English ivy

2. Golden Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum)

NASA considered this plant one of the most effective choices for
eliminating formaldehyde. People that have struggled to keep plants
alive can rejoice – this one is incredibly hard to kill. It doubles as
an effective eliminator of carbon monoxide as well. The vines grow
fairly quickly and look great suspended from elevated areas.

money plant

3. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis Exalta Bostoniensis)

This lush plant functions really well as a natural air humidifier. While
it’s busy adding humidity to the environment it also does a great job
eliminating formaldehyde. Its large feathered ferns span as large as 5
feet and allow just a single plant to have a noticeable impact.

Boston fern

4. Dracaena (Dracaena Deremensis)

The long striped leaves of this plant can easily thrive indoors with
only small amounts of sunlight and moderate watering. It’s an excellent
way to eliminate trichloroethylene that comes from solvents and
varnishes. A single plant can grow over ten feet tall, but pruning will
keep it short if you prefer.


5. Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea Elegans)

The Bamboo Palm can easily fit into smaller areas with indirect
lighting. NASA found it to be one of the best air filters for benzene
and trichloroethylene, and a great humidifier. This palm is a bit
smaller than others and easy to grow in shady areas. It releases a good
deal of moisture into the air and is considerably resistant to insect

bamboo palm

6. Dragon Tree (Dracaena Marginata)

This plant is a widely popular option for office spaces and homes for
its attractive look and effective purifying power. It pulls xylene – a
chemical released from car exhaust, paints, and cigarettes – from the
air with little need for maintenance. It can also be potted together and
trained to grow into a braid for visual appeal and added purification.

dragon tree

7. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

The Peace Lily is one of the most visually appealing plants on the list
with its unique white flowers. It boasts one of the highest
transpiration rates on the list as well. Use it to remove
trichloroethylene, benzene, acetone, and alcohols from the air. Just be
cautious of the plants high toxicity and keep it out of reach of
children and pets.

peace lily

8. Lady Palm (Rhapis Excelsa)

The Lady Palm requires a lot of watering during the spring and summer
but makes up for it with its heavy resistance to insects. The lush
leaves of this palm grow thick and with rich color without much effort.
Its said to be a versatile and effective filter for multiple indoor

Lady palm

9. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

The Spider Plant requires natural light but shouldn’t be exposed
directly to the sun. It thrives in moist environments with bi-weekly
watering and grows at impressive speeds. Owners prefer to place these
plants near the fireplace and kitchen where carbon monoxide may build.

spider plant

10. Snake Plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

The Snake Plant is unique in that it sucks in carbon dioxide and
releases oxygen during the night. Many people chose to keep it in their
bedroom or carpeted living room. It’s simple to take care of and
prevents the formaldehyde that leaks from your carpet and wood furniture
from sticking around the air.

snake plant

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Treat Acne & Other Skin Conditions With Banana Peels!

treat acne and skin conditions with banana peels

Adult acne is a nasty thing. Just when you thought you’d put those
awkward teenage years behind you, you wake up one morning in your mid to
late twenties, and there it is: a ginormous, inflamed, middle
school-esque pimple staring back at you from your forehead…or your
nose…or your chin… Or all of the above – ewww…

Whether you’ve done your time with teenage acne or not, seeing it
again during your adult years is not fun – and I’m speaking from
personal experience! I’ve tried everything, from pills, to creams, to
Proactiv-type products. Nothing worked, at least not for long.
Fortunately for me, the problem fixed itself on its own and I now only
battle the random breakout here and there.

treat acne and skin conditions with banana peels

My younger cousin is now going through the same thing, so for the
past few months, I’ve made it my mission to find something that would
help her. I didn’t want her to go down the same path as I did with
pills, creams, etc. Now that I have this blog, I knew it was my duty to
help her find a natural, chemical-free alternative to the steroid-laden
pills and creams that are prescribed at the conventional dermatologist’s

treat acne and skin conditions with banana peels

Lo and behold, this link about using banana peels
randomly crossed my path one night, and I sent it to my cousin and
never thought about it again. A few weeks later, on our visit down to
Florida, I noticed her skin looked much better and her acne scars were
starting to fade. Imagine my surprise when she told me she’d been using
the banana peels trick and loved it!

She even jokingly informed me that she’s become the “banana-nazi” so
to speak, making sure no one throws away banana peels in her presence
LOL :)

The steps are very simple:

  • Take a small piece of banana peel and rub it on the affected area for a few minutes until the inside of the peel turns brown.
  • As it dries, your skin will absorb the vitamins and nutrients in the
    peel. I leave it on for about 30 mins. and then wash it off with warm
    water. At night, I just leave it on overnight, then wash off in the
  • Do this 3 times a day, and in a few days, you’ll notice results!
treat acne and skin conditions with banana peels

Even if you don’t have actual pimples on your skin, this trick can also help reduce acne scars
from old breakouts. That’s where I come in: I used this on some old
scars around my chin and jaw line and really noticed results within a
couple days!

I’m not brave enough to share before/after pictures for the world to
see, but the original poster graciously did this for us in her follow-up post. Just seeing those pictures was reason enough for me to try it and to send the link to my cousin!

If you’re looking to do away with commercial products and harsh
chemicals on your skin, I urge you to give this a try. It’s totally
worth a shot: what’s the worst that can happen – you get some banana on
your face for a couple days? Totally worth the risk :)

So Why Does This Work?

Banana peels are chock-full of antioxidants, including lutein, which may help protect the skin against sun damage. They also contain esterified fatty acids, which have actually been isolated and incorporated into a patented lotion (Exorex lotion) used to treat eczema and psoriasis!

Some extra notes and other uses

  • Banana peels can also be used to treat warts as
    well! Just tape a piece of the peel to cover the wart, leave on
    overnight, and remove in the morning. Continue with nightly treatments
    until wart is gone.
  • To stop the itch from bug bites and poison ivy, rub banana peels on the affected area – no more itching!
  • Banana peels may also help with hemorrhoids because of the sugar content, which helps them shrink.
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by rubbing banana peels on your skin, which helps to tighten and tone the skin.
  • Psoriasis sufferers may also find relief by rubbing banana peels on the affected areas, and may see results within a few days or weeks.
  • Banana peels contain lots of potassium, and the antioxidant, lutein.
  • Use ripe banana peels, to ensure the best results!
    And make sure they’re fresh; you don’t want to use an old peel that’s
    been lying on the counter for a few hours. (So yes, you may have to
    recruit some scheduled banana eaters for you ;) 

How To Save the Banana Peels

There’s been lots of questions and ideas regarding how to save the
peel to use it for subsequent treatments, so you’re not eating several
bananas per day. And a reader (Hi Alison!) was kind enough to share her
technique, which works great:

ive fine tuned my technique to cutting a portion of the
skin from the banana at a time- just a shallow incision around a section
big enough to do my face with, then peel off and use. That way it all
stays in tact and 1 banana can go 1 or 2 days depending on size. The
fruit gets exposed to the air but still good in a smoothie at the end on
the day!

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Best Exercises to Improve Your Posture

Good posture is as important as eating right, exercising, getting a
good night’s sleep and avoiding harmful substances. Without good
posture, you can’t really be physically fit and over time your poor
posture will cause you to develop problems such as a painful back,
aching neck and shoulders, joint pain and it will also have negative
effect on your knees. Not standing and sitting up straight can set you
up for some surprising health problems such as tension headaches,
fatigue, reduced lung function, gastrointestinal pains and it also makes
you look older than you are.

The benefits of good posture may be among the best kept secrets but
the good news is that almost everyone can avoid the problems caused by
bad posture and you can make improvements at any age.

Several different muscles are responsible for maintaining upright
posture, and over time, poor posture can cause these muscles to lose
strength. In this article I will show you simple exercises that will
enable you to strengthen these muscles in order to develop and maintain
good posture.

How To Assess your posture

Stand sideways to a full-length mirror.  Close your eyes, bend
forward, then stand up quickly and gaze at the mirror to check your
posture.  Are your shoulders slumped?  Is your head tilted forward? 
Does your chest have the appearance of being caved in as if someone just
punched you in the sternum?  Is your lower back flat or excessively

Ideally, your posture would be considered good if you have a straight
back, squared shoulders that are not rounded, eyes looking straight
ahead, chest out and stomach tucked in. It’s like drawing a straight
line from your ears through your shoulder, hip, knee, to the middle of
your ankle (see the illustration below). But most often this is not the
case. Weak muscles and sitting many hours on your office chair take
their toll.


Now turn and face directly to the mirror to check your posture for
symmetry.  Is your head tilted to one side?  Are your shoulders
misaligned?  Are your hips misaligned?  Are your knees lined up?   Your
head should not be tilted to the side, shoulders and hips should be
aligned and knees should be lined up.

How To Improve Your Posture 

1. Strengthen your Neck

A good posture is when your ears are positioned above your shoulders,
but have you noticed that when you sit in front of your computer or
drive your car, most of the times your head is pushed forward ? Forward
head posture is a very common postural issue, this is due to weak and
tight areas in your neck that make it hard for you to hold your head

Awareness of the correct neck and shoulder posture is the first step
toward correction. A great way to start correcting poor neck posture is
through exercises which are designed to help gain control over postural
neck muscles which have become weak and fatigued over time.

Chin Tuck Exercise

To bring our neck and head back to proper alignment, do the chin tuck
exercise while sitting straight on a chair without tipping your head in
any direction. Pull your chin and head straight back. You will feel a
stretch at the back of your neck. Relax the chin back forward to a
neutral position. Repeat several times. You can do this exercise
throughout the day to maintain good posture, so when driving your car,
pull your chin in and push your head so it touches the headrest behind
you. Do the same exercise when you sit in front of the computer.

chin tuck

Stretch Your Neck (Neck Extension)

Another exercise that can improve your posture in neck extension –
drop your chin down towards your chest (moving only your head). Hold for
several seconds and release. Repeat several times a day.

back neck stretch

2. Strengthen Your Shoulders

It is very common to find ourselves sitting or walking with rounded
shoulders. In this position our chest and shoulder muscles become tight
and shorter and our upper back is weaken. When you strengthen your upper
back, your shoulders will naturally pull back and your chest will open

Shoulder Blade Stretches

Sit on a chair or a stool while maintaining good posture, then pull
your shoulder blades backwards. Hold for a few seconds and then relax.
Repeat several times.

shoulder blade stretch

Dumbbell Reverse Flys

Slightly bend your knees and lean over so your chest is slightly
above your knees. Start with your hands and dumbbells to your sides.
Raise your arms and dumbbells to your side, bringing them up to shoulder
level height. Keep your arms as straight as possible but do not lock
your elbows. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.
Do 2-3 sets of 8 repetitions.

Dumbbell Reverse Flys

3. Strengthen Your Core muscles

Your core muscles include the abdominals (abs) which are at the front
of the abdomen, the obliques which are located on the side of the upper
body that assist in turning the body from side to side, your lower back
and hips. You need to strengthen these muscles in order to have an
upright posture. By strengthening these muscles you will also improve
your balance ans stability as your core stabilizes your body, allowing
you to move in any direction, even on the bumpiest terrain, or stand in
one spot without losing your balance

Front Bridge exercise

This exercise is great for strengthening you core muscles. Suck your
belly button and keep your body as straight as possible without locking
your knees. Continue to breath and don’t hold your breath. Hold yourself
in this position as long as you can, then rest. Repeat 2-3 times.
Gradually extend the time of holding yourself in the position.

front bridge exercise

Side plank

Lie on your right side, with straight legs, resting on your right
forearm. Your elbow should be directly under your shoulder. Gently
contract your abdominals and lift your hips off the floor, maintaining
straight line. Keep your neck in line with your spine. Hold 20 to 40
seconds and lower. Repeat two to three times, alternating sides. If you
find it too difficult, start with bent knees.

side plank

Hip lifts

Lie on the floor with your arms by your sides. Your palms facing down
and your legs over your hips at 90 degrees. Feet are flexed. Then lift
your hips off the floor using your core muscles while your legs are
reaching towards the ceiling. Then return to the starting position.
Repeat 15 times.

hip lifts

2. Get used to tuck your tummy in when walking and sitting.

There are many more exercises that will enable you to strengthen your back and your core. I have written in the past about exercises to strengthen your back and about exercises to get flat tummy
that you can easily do at home. Start to integrate these exercises into
your daily routine. Don’t do all of them at once, but each time choose a
few different exercises to do  each day.

4. Strengthen Your Hips

A good posture is when our hips are neutral and level when viewed
from the side, but sometimes when we stand, our hips are tilted forward
(forward pelvic tilt). It is therefore important to strengthen your
thighs, butt and hip flexor muscles which allow you to lift your knees
and bend at the waist.

Kneeling lunge stretch

This exercise stretches the muscles between the front of your thigh
and the lumber vertebrae which are called hip flexor muscles. These
muscles can pull the spine out of alignment if they are too tight.
Position yourself as per the illustration while keeping yourself upright
and not leaning forward. Stretch the front of your upper thigh but keep
your hips even. Hold for few seconds and repeat on the other side.

Kneeling lunge stretch

Bend knee to chest

This exercise is for the low back and stretches your hip muscles. Lie
down on the floor and pull your knee towards your chest while keeping
your tailbone on the floor. Hold each stretch for few seconds and repeat
3 times for each side.

knee to chest

Raise your hips

Lie down on your back and place your hands alongside your body. Bend
your legs and keep your feet flat on the floor. Your knees should be
aligned with your toes. Lift your hips and back until only the base of
your shoulder blades remains on the floor. Try to hold this position for
3 deep breaths. Lower your hips and repeat 5-10 times.

raise your hips

5. Knees

Your knees can also help you to maintain healthy posture – here are two useful tips:

1. Keep your knees slightly bent and shoulder-width apart. Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed on your feet.

2. When lifting heavy load off the floor, always bend your knees and
not your back. Keep your belly tucked in. Bending your back can cause a
back injury as your back muscles are not designed for taking such a
heavy weight, but the muscles in your legs and stomach are large enough
to carry it.


There is no magic solution for fixing poor posture other than
consistency, awareness and exercising. It will probably feel unnatural
initially, but developing good posture doesn’t happen overnight. As time
goes on, you will develop good postural habits, and it will come more
naturally to you. Try it for yourself: stand straight in front of a
mirror and see how taller, leaner and more confident you look when you
maintain good posture.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

8 At-Home Workouts to Lose Weight and Build Muscle These quick and easy workout routines burn fat and build muscle, even if you’re five feet from your couch.

Barrel Chest Bedroom Workout

Perform all exercises as a massive superset. Rest 3 minutes, then repeat.

-Pushup (10-15 reps)
-Pullup (in doorframe, as many reps as possible)
-Plank (60 seconds)
-Renegade Row (10 reps)

Repeat 5 times

Perform exercises labeled “A” then exercise labeled as “B,” rest, repeat for prescribed sets/reps.

1A. Dumbbell Lunge
1B. Pushup
3 sets, 8-12 reps each, 90 seconds between supersets

2A. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
2B. Ab-Wheel Rollout
3 sets, 6-8 reps each, 90 seconds between supersets

3A. Dumbbell Curl
3b. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
3 sets, 12-15 reps each, 2 minutes between supersets

4A. Plank
4B. Dip (can be done on a chair)
3 sets, as many reps as possible (60-plus seconds for plank), 90 seconds between supersets

Leg Workout

1A. Body-Weight Squat
1B. Lying Glute Bridge
As many sets as needed, 100 total reps for each exercise, 60 seconds between sets

2A. Reverse Lunge
2B. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
4 sets, 10 reps, 90 seconds between sets

3. Wall Sit
against a wall and squat down, until your knees are bent 90 degrees and
your shins are vertical to the ground. Hold the position. Complete one
set and hold for as long as possible.

Perform all exercises as a massive superset, rest 2 minutes, then repeat 5 times.

1. Jump Rope (60 seconds)
2. Burpee (10 reps)
3. Dumbbell Curl-To-Press (15 reps)
4. Bear Crawl (60 seconds)

Ab Workout

1A. Ab-Wheel Rollout
1B. Superman hold
3 sets, 10 reps (30 seconds for superman hold), 60 seconds between supersets

2. Renegade Row
3 sets, 10 reps, 60 seconds rest

3. Plank
3 sets, 60 second hold, 90 seconds rest

1. Pushup 55*
See below for description. 3 sets, 3 minutes between sets

2. Plank
3 sets, 60 seconds, 60 seconds rest

How to Power Up Your Plank>>> 3A. Body-Weight Squat
3B. Dumbbell Curl
3 sets, as many reps as possible, 90 seconds rest between supersets

4A. Dip (can be done on a chair)
4B. Pullup (in doorframe)
5 sets, 5-10 reps, 45 seconds rest between supersets

* Perform 10 pushups, rest 30 seconds; then 9 reps, rest 30 seconds; then do 8 reps, all the way down to 1.

Lower-Body Muscle-Builder Workout

1A. Body-Weight 1¼ squat*
1B. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
5 sets, 10 reps (as many as possible for squat), 90 seconds rest

2A. Walking Lunge
2B. Lying Glute Bridge
5 sets, 20 reps, 90 seconds rest

* Perform a body weight squat, come up ¼ of the way, drop back down to full depth, and come all the way up. That’s one rep

Perform all exercises as a massive superset. Rest 3 minutes, then repeat.

-Pushup (10-15 reps)
-Pullup (in doorframe, as many reps as possible)
-Plank (60 seconds)
-Renegade Row (10 reps)

Repeat 5 times

- See more at:
Perform all exercises as a massive superset. Rest 3 minutes, then repeat.

-Pushup (10-15 reps)
-Pullup (in doorframe, as many reps as possible)
-Plank (60 seconds)
-Renegade Row (10 reps)

Repeat 5 times

- See more at:

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How to make Eco-enzymes

I have found some very nice links to websites and blogs that detail this eco-enzyme topic -

a) An article in TheStar about our local initiatives in eco-enzymes here ( 

b) Something about recycling rubbish ( enzymes/) - has nice diagrams about proportions of ingredients

c) Notes on DIY eco-enzyme ( 

d) Home-made fruit enzyme drink ( with pictures of the process and details

and the best kept last -
e) A blog on DIY fruit enzyme (

A toast to garbage

Committed to leaving the smallest footprint possible, one woman is waging war on global warming.
While a lot of tree-huggers take themselves way too seriously, Dr (H) Joean Oon carries her social conscience without being smug.
Going beyond screwing in compact fluorescent light bulbs and carrying tote bags to the grocers, the homeopathy and naturopathy doctor is tirelessly working towards bringing environmental awareness to the masses by giving free public talks . . . on garbage enzyme.
Fruits headed for the fermenting drums.
Environmental issues are important to Oon because she worries for the future generation.
“I was devastated when I found out that Malaysia was on the brink of sinking due to global warming,” says Oon at her Naturopathic Family Care Centre cum garbage enzyme headquarters in Tanjung Bungah, Penang.
“My biggest concern was for the safety of my three daughters, and I knew I had to do something, anything, to save them. That was what drove me to learn about producing garbage enzyme from Dr Rosukon Poompanvong, an alternative medicine practitioner in Thailand,” she recalls.
So how does trimming trash help to bring down the earth’s temperature?
“The production of garbage enzyme generates ground-level Ozone (O3). The O3 helps to maintain the earth’s temperature by releasing the heat trapped by the heavy metal in the clouds. If every household turns its garbage into enzyme, we can protect our ozone, live in a smog-free environment and eat food free from toxins,” explains Oon.
By mixing garbage enzyme with chemical cleaning products, Oon explains, the enzyme flowing into our drainage system will cleanse the rivers and oceans.
“We are running a campaign to encourage Malaysians to pour garbage enzyme into our rivers this Dec 21,” says Oon,
“The enzyme will help to break down the harmful chemicals. We have done a trial run at Sungai Kayu Ara in Selangor and the results have been encouraging.”
The yeast forming on the surface of the enzyme is rich in B complex and Vitamin C. — NURFADILLA A. K. S.
Oon works with 10 dedicated staff to produce the enzyme and to publish booklets. She and her team have gone on garbage enzyme road shows all across Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia and India.
“To date, we have given away 15,000 bottles for free because we want to encourage people to try it and eventually make their own,” she says.
Funds for the project, according to Oon, have never fallen short.
“Thanks to the public’s generosity, we have not been short of brown sugar and plastic bottles to keep the project running,” she says.
The new black
So how practical — and useful — is this enzyme?
I don’t pick up litter in the midst of a shopping excursion, I don’t turn off the tap when I brush my teeth and I sure don’t wait until it mellows before I flush, but Oon’s suggestion to reroute one third of my household waste away from the landfill by making my own enzyme seems do-able.
While Oon attends to a patient, a staff member, Peter Too, 31, takes me to the porch for a garbage enzyme show-and-tell.
“Glass expands, so it’s better to use plastic containers to store the enzyme,” Too says, as he twists the lid off an air-tight plastic drum, releasing a whiff of fermenting fruits and vegetables. The smell was a cross between apple cider vinegar and orange juice past its shelf life.
“To make the enzyme all you need is one part brown sugar, three parts kitchen waste and 10 parts water. First, mix brown sugar with water. Then add in the garbage — watermelon rinds, orange peels, carrot shavings, tea leaves, apple cores, banana peels and vegetables.
“You can also put in meat, dairy products and durian, but I have to warn you, it’s going to smell really bad. Remember to leave some space at the top of the container for the enzyme to breathe. Every now and then, give it a good stir so it gets enough air. In three months, your enzyme is good for use,” says Too.
Volunteers helping to bottle the enzyme.
One of the drums has some funky-looking mould floating at the top.
“It’s yeast, and it’s perfectly safe to use,” Too says, rubbing it between his fingers for good measure.
Another barrel is littered with fat fruit worms, alive and crawling.
“Worms develop when the container is not sealed properly. To dissolve them all, just add one extra ratio of sugar and make sure the lid is tight. The extra protein will be great fertiliser.”
The garbage enzyme, Too explains, will never expire.
“The longer you store it, the stronger it will become,” he says, sending me off with a bottle and dilution instructions to try out.
Putting it to the test
My poor tresses have been subjected to shampoos that claim to be natural but contain parabens, sodium laureth sulfate and some other stuff I can’t pronounce. The enzyme, I figure, is just what I need to disarm the chemicals.
I don’t want to mix the enzyme in a full bottle of shampoo so I get a trial-size bottle, add two tablespoons of enzyme and give it a good martini shake.
The shampoo smells good, but leaves a sticky residue after the first rinse. I give it a second rinse. It leaves my locks looking, well, pretty much the same as they always do. Since it works fine on my hair, I decide to use the enzyme on other surfaces.
There is some lime scale collecting at the bottom of my bathroom pail. I fill it a quarter full with water, and add a tablespoon of enzyme. The flaky white stuff comes off after a good rub with an old loofah.
On a roll, I get to work on some dishes that have been sitting overnight in the kitchen sink. With the sink plugged, I squeeze a generous amount of liquid suds, three tablespoons of enzyme and some water and let the dishes soak for awhile. The suds smell light and fresh.
Getting rid of the crusty scrambled eggs in the skillet takes a bit of elbow grease but it all comes off.
I am so thrilled, my eyes start darting around trying to find something else to clean.
The kitchen tiles are in need of polishing, I decide. Rolling my sleeves, I soak a rag in a bucket of water and enzyme. A lot of dirt comes off. The result isn’t exactly sparkling, but it’s better than spraying toxic cleaning products.
Trigger-happy, I drop a tablespoon of enzyme into a brand name glass cleaner and set to work on my mirrors. Seeing my grinning reflection in the stain-free mirror totally pumps me up, but I can’t help but roll my eyes when I notice I still have zits at 27.
I dab a bit of enzyme onto some zits along my hairline. It stings a bit, but next morning, the pimples seem to have shrunk a bit. This is magic.
Feeling pretty pleased, I prop my feet on the ottoman and snack on pesticide-free grapes that have been soaked for 45 minutes in a bowl of enzyme and water. Being a domestic goddess sure isn’t easy, but at least with garbage enzyme there’s no little voice nagging at your eco-conscience.
o Dr Joean Oon will be speaking on Earth Saving Through Garbage Enzyme at the Change Climate program to be held on Aug 9 in Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil. The entrance fee is RM5 (reedemable for purchase at theme kiosks). To know more visit

Sunday, July 6, 2014

10 Inspiring Quotes From the Dalai Lama

No one can argue with the Dalai Lama when it comes to sound life advice.
I love about him is his practical approach to living. He holds such
wisdom, yet is able to communicate it in a way that makes sense to
people all over the world, regardless of their culture or religion.
I’ve hand picked 10 Dalai Lama quotes that have inspired me to think differently about life.
once read that the Dalai Lama tickles people he meets to help them
overcome their nerves – I hope one of these quotes tickles you today in a
way that brings a new lightness into your life.

1. "Everyday, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it.”
2. “Happiness is not something that comes ready made. It comes from your own actions.”
3. “The mind is like a parachute. It works best when it’s open.”
4. “Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.”

5. “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a  mosquito.”
6. “Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.”
7. “Open your arms to change but don’t let go of your values.”
8. “Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.”

9. “Spend some time alone everyday.”
10. When asked what surprised him about humanity the most, the Dalai Lama replied:

Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he
sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious
about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being
that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is
never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Amazing Unknown Power Of Papaya Seeds

'The Amazing Unknown Power Of Papaya Seeds

We discovered a great tutorial that revealed that Papaya seeds
could prove to be very beneficial to health. We would normally throw
them away without thinking twice! Once again the medicinal power of
plants is being recognised and we’re happy to be able to share the good
news with you. The link to the tutorial follows after our introduction.

Papaya seeds look a lot like peppercorns and taste quite similar (not
half as good as the fruit!) and they can be dried and used in much the
same way as a seasoning. Primarily, they have been found to be very
beneficial to the digestive system as they contain enzymes that break
down protein waste and allow easier absorption of proteins in to the
body. They can also be taken to help kill off harmful parasites.

parasites include protozoa and helminths (worms), the worms were once
treated with poison (turpentine!) but are now commonly treated with
drugs that prevent them producing the enzymes that keep them from being
digested. Papaya looks like a safe natural alternative, although it’s
important to take the correct dosage and research the possible
side-effects. The taste of the seeds can be masked by adding them to a
smoothie or crushing them and mixing with honey.

The presence of anti-bacterial properties can help to prevent food
poisoning, which is usually caused by an imbalance of harmful bacteria –
these bacteria often exist in small quantities even in a healthy
digestive system. There are also anti-inflammatory effects that could
help to ease a sensitive stomach and it has been reported that Papaya
seeds have shown anti-viral properties in their use to treat Dengue
fever in parts of Central America.

All of these benefits would
seem like enough for one type of fruit but there are more! It has been
traditional for men in some parts of Asia to take Papaya seeds on a
regular basis as a way of reducing their fertility and therefore
avoiding unwanted pregnancies. Some compelling research has been done
that supports this traditional use for the seeds.

supplements containing papain, the main active enzyme, are readily
available but, as with all medicines, there are a few possible
side-effects and contra-indications for Papaya seeds, particularly if
you have a latex allergy; they are also to be avoided during pregnancy –
please check the “resources” below for full details.

Ok, here’s the link to the full tutorial:

Further resources:

Friday, June 27, 2014

How To Get Better At Handstands (Even If You've Never Done One Before)

How To Get Better At Handstands (Even If You've Never Done One Before)

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a celebrity fitness and nutrition expert for nearly three decades, myth
busting has become a major part of my job. You know, the myths nearly
everyone considers nutrition gospel, even if they’ve Read
only are handstands an incredibly effective way to build shoulder and
upper-body strength, they're great for core strength, increasing your
balance, and they may even help with circulation and bone health. Plus,
they’re just plain fun!

Once you get over that initial fear of being upside down, you’ll learn to love handstands just like I did — and start doing them every day.

The best part: handstands can be tailored to all fitness levels,
whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been working out diligently
for years. And they're a perfect companion to HIIT workouts as well.

Here’s how to get better at handstands, even if you've never done one before:

If you're just starting out, handstand with your feet on an elevated surface.

1. Find an elevated surface that’s about waist high, such as a plyometric box, a table or a high bench.

Place your feet on the surface with your legs straight, then walk your
hands towards your legs so that you’re bent in a 90 degree angle.

3. Push up through your shoulders, keep your core tight and hold. Work up to holding this for 30 to 60 seconds.

only will holding this modified handstand help you build up strength in
your shoulders, it will also help ease you into the idea of being
upside down!

Next up: handstand facing away from the wall.

1. Face toward the wall, place your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart, and kick up into a handstand. Try not to slam your feet/back/butt onto the wall, and practice control.

Work up to holding a wall handstand for 60 seconds. Don't be
discouraged if you can only hold it for five to 10 seconds at first —
you'll get there with practice!

Note: If kicking up to the wall is scary for you at first, try skipping this one and moving onto the next step.

A bit more difficult: handstand facing the wall.

1. Face away from the wall with your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart.

2. Slowly walk your feet up the wall until you’re vertical.

3. Then, walk your hands close to the wall, push up through your shoulders, and keep your core tight.

Practice letting your feet come off of the wall so that you’re
balancing without the help of the wall, even if you can only hold it for
a second or two at first.

5. Get out of the handstand by walking your feet down the wall and then towards your hands, or by cartwheeling down.

holding a chest-to-wall handstand for 10 to 30 seconds for three to
four sets. If this is too tough for you still, you can practice walking
up and down the wall until you start building up strength. This alone is
a great equipment-free exercise to help build shoulder and core strength!

Tip: place a pillow or an ab mat underneath your head to help decrease your fear of crashing.

The ultimate goal: the freestanding handstand.

1. Start with your hands on a floor in an area where there’s nothing around you to bump into.

Kick or tuck up with control and hold the handstand, making sure to
push through your shoulders, keep your core tight, and point your toes
as you do so.

3. Lower yourself down with control (falling is perfectly acceptable at first).

handstands regularly and you’ll not only gain strength and build
muscle, you’ll also boost your confidence — and have fun while you’re at
it! Good luck!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Amazing Power of Mindfulness

Hi , I want to talk to something that sounded unbelievable
when I first heard it...

...Did you know that our GENES can be altered by our
thoughts and our state of mind?

It sounded crazy when I first heard this but then I
thought about it...

On this planet people are born black, white, asian,
hispanic etc every day, but where did these races come
from? At one point we were all black right?

But our environment made us lighter skinned if we were
away from the sun, and our genes were altered and each
generation was born with genes that had been altered over

So altering genes is obviously possible, but I thought it
took years and generations for this to happen.

What I found amazing was that there is scientific evidence
that just spending EIGHT HOURS focusing your attention and
awareness on the present can lead to dramatic positive
changes to your genetic makeup.

So what does this mean for YOU??

It means that by learning how to focus your attention
through mindful meditation, you have the POWER to increase
your HEALTH and PROSPERITY, by directly affecting the
genes which control inflammation and allow for new growth
to take place.

Your genetic makeup is NOT set-in-stone, YOU have the
ability to shape it with your mind.


Ok now I'm going to let you know about the ground-breaking
study which has allowed us to finally see PHYSICAL
EVIDENCE of the amazing power of mindfulness.

Inherited from Buddhist tradition, the practice of
mindfulness is about focusing your attention and awareness
on the PRESENT.

Mindful meditation involves AWAKENING your MIND to
everything you are experiencing in a given moment, and
observing your thoughts and feelings from a distance,
without judging them as being good or bad.

Although the practice of meditation has long been known to
have positive health effects, a recent study by
researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and
the Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona
(published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology) has
given the first evidence of how mindful meditation can
LITERALLY alter gene expression.

In fact, these results were observed after just a SINGLE
8-hour period of intensive mindfulness practice in a group
of experienced meditators, compared to a group of
untrained control subjects who spent the same 8 hours
engaged in quiet non-meditative activities.

At the end of these eight hours, the meditators showed
some significant GENETIC and MOLECULAR differences,
including reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes and
altered levels of HDACs (enzymes which regulate DNA

There was no difference between the two groups of people
in these genes at the beginning of the study.

Not ONLY did the meditation group experience these
positive genetic changes, they also physically recovered
faster from a stressful situation they had to partake in
at the end of the study, involving giving an impromptu
speech and performing mentally challenging tasks in front
of an audience.    And this faster physical recovery time
was DIRECTLY associated with the changes in their genome.

As several other DNA-modifying genes showed no differences
between the meditation and non-meditation groups, this
study suggests that mindfulness practice SPECIFICALLY
affects the regulation of HDACs and inflammatory pathways.

This is interesting as these very genes are actually the
SAME genes which anti-inflammatory and pain-killing drugs
are currently targeting. Which means that mindful
meditation can be just as (if not more) effective as a
method for treating pain and inflammation.

Although this study did not show us any long-term genetic
effects of mindful meditation training, it did indicate to
us the impact that just a SINGLE DAY can have on your

Not only can our genes be altered by our external
environment, they can also be altered by our INTERNAL
environment, including our conscious and subconscious
thoughts, and calmness of mind.

I hope you enjoyed today's Manifestation Miracle

In case you haven't already, make sure you consider
joining the Manifestation Miracle system, the same one
where you'll learn how to create and manifest the life of
your dreams..